Facts About Dentistry

Facts About Dentistry

Dentists are people who take care of your oral problems and make sure that you have to suffer from any kind of problem ever again. The mouth having tongue and teeth are the only way of surviving in any condition, because if you don’t eat which is a main necessary for your body you cannot live much long. Not only eating, the mouth also enables us to breathe as well and if you don’t have a clean mouth it will mean that your lungs are not getting clean air. Teeth of humans are vulnerable yes, but the teeth of animals are even more vulnerable. The art of dentistry goes back as far as 15,000 years back. People in Africa have found some of the oldest necklaces and these are made up of the hunted animals or the animals who were killed in defense.

People used to where these necklaces to show the pride that they have hunted so many animals for their tribe or they have survived so many attacks. A single necklace could also contain teeth of water animals like crocodile as well. This shows that teeth modification has been a trend since then and people now spend hundreds of dollars just to get the perfect and a die for smile. People used to be gender discriminators and some are still now but people back then believed that men had more teeth and women has lesser teeth and the funny thing is that they believed that men had 32 teeth while women had 17 teeth only and there was no proper reason for it to justify this statement. People back then used to follow the animals a lot like, people when saw a monkey break a walnut with its teeth, people tried as well and ended up with severe tooth aches. Then the lesson went from person to person that animals have more jaw force that any human will ever have and they can even break the hardest shells with their teeth but humans simply cannot.

When there was anesthesia, dental surgeons used to knock out the patient and made sure that he/she was asleep till the surgery was done and there were many people who had to open one’s mouth wide for the surgeon to do the job. Or sometimes people would just get super high on weed or alcohol to not feel the pain and that required a lot of manpower to get a hold of that person.